lorenz - Tools for Deriving Income Inequality Estimates from Grouped
Income Data
Provides two methods of estimating income inequality
statistics from binned income data, such as the income data
provided in the Census. These methods use different
interpolation techniques to infer the distribution of incomes
within income bins. One method is an implementation of
Jargowsky and Wheeler's mean-constrained integration over
brackets (MCIB). The other method is based on a new technique,
Lorenz interpolation, which estimates income inequality by
constructing an interpolated Lorenz curve based on the binned
income data. These methods can be used to estimate three
income inequality measures: the Gini (the default measure
returned), the Theil, and the Atkinson's index. Jargowsky and
Wheeler (2018) <doi:10.1177/0081175018782579>.